Saturday 4/19 at 3 & 5 PM.Sunday 4/20 at 8:15, 9:30, & 11 AM.
Sunday 4/20 at 8:15, 9:30, and 11 AM at Lake Stevens Middle School.
Sunday 4/20 at 8:15, 9:30, and 11 AM at Park Place Middle School.
Come and experience the joy of Easter with us at one of our services this year! You can plan to experience uplifing worship music and a message that will give you hope as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!
During all of our Easter service times, kids from birth - 5th grade will learn the Easter story while enjoying games, candy, egg hunts, and more! Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join in all the fun.
Looking to reset your spiritual rhythms this Lent? Take part in our Lent study and other resources by clicking the link below.
Join us Friday 4/18 at 6PM at the Mill Creek Campus as all of our campuses come together and reflect on the sacrifice of Christ. Child care is available for kids from birth through 3rd grade.